Alejandro Montt R.


Alejandro has extensive experience advising various companies in the natural
resources area on their projects in Chile and abroad. His practice focuses on
energy, mining, environmental, natural resources, project development, mergers
and acquisitions and corporate practice. In addition, he has served as advisor to
the Minister of Mining of Chile, participating in the drafting of bills and in various
government initiatives.


Prior to joining Montt Pérez-Cotapos Abogados, Alejandro served as Director of
the Energy and Mining area of Albagli Zaliasnik, partner of Dalgalarrando & Cía.,
Legal Manager of Sierra Gorda SCM, associate of Carey & Cía., foreign attorney of
Haynes & Boone (Dallas, TX) and as advisor to the Minister of Mining of Chile.


Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2004).

LL.M. Harvard Law School, Cambridge, USA (2013-2014).

Diploma in Future Electricity Markets and their Regulation, Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile (2023).

Diploma in Environmental Law, Environmental Management Instruments – New
Trends, University of Chile (2019).

Diploma in Public Policy, Universidad del Desarrollo (2012).


Professor, Master in Natural Resources and Environmental Law, Universidad Finis
Terrae (2021 to present).

Professor of Natural Resources Law, Universidad Finis Terrae (2024 to present).

Member of The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law (formerly
Rocky Mountain).

Member of the Prospectors &  Developers Association of Canada (PDAC).

Member of the Chilean Bar Association.


Legal 500 Latin America, Mining and Energy.

Best Lawyers, Mining.


Spanish and English.